18 January 2016

Married life. Once you get married, your life changes. I struggled for quite some time. I had to take care of my husband 24/7. I had to do things that I didn't have to do before, like waking up very early to cook, dropping my husband off, preparing his lunch for tomorrow, the list goes on...There would be times when I would reminisce the times when I was single. I didn't have to do ALL these things. I was with my husband for about 2 years then we got married. I felt as though I got to know him more now that we are married. I started to know more on things that would make him happy or angry. Being a wife to someone is not as easy as it seems. It's not like in those dramas you see in movies. When you say "I do", you have given your life to that person and promise to love and care for that person no matter what. I am still learning. We are still what you consider "newlyweds" couple, but because our love for each other is so strong, whatever problems it may be, we can always resolve it. I hope that those of you who are in relationship will have this outlook in life. It's okay to have arguments now and then, but of course, no physical fights ok! God bless you all.

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